Speed up your web site by using a Semi-dedicated Servers In The US.

If you realize that your cloud hosting account is not really a decent service for your web site, but a dedicated server costs too much and too complicated to control, then you can benefit from our US semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated service works as an extraordinary mix from a website hosting account and a Linux dedicated service supplying the the best of the two platforms. It offers the strength of a dedicated server (minus the common server administration responsibilities), wrapped in a user–friendly Site Control Panel , which is included with all of our cloud hosting plans when you sign up.

And due to their individuality, our semi–dedicated servers can be found only within the US based datacenter. It was actually the very first data center where we were in a position to set up our unique cloud hosting platform plus it features unrivaled power and cooling possibilities. We also have created a specialized internal network sustained by enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is why, we are able to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all our Semi-dedicated Servers In The US

One of the key features of our USA–based semi–dedicated servers is the MyDigitalProductions.com Site Control Panel. It is featured absolutely free with all of our semi–dedicated servers and is designed to run in the cloud. In this manner, we free your server from the need to power up the Control Panel and your sites at the same time. You can use the whole server power exclusively for your web sites. Additionally, the Site Control Panel is bundled with free tools and add–ons , which can improve your web presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our US based datacenter delivers a great deal of web hosting choice for all customers based on the sites and the web applications they would like to manage. You will find Website Hosting In The US for everyone who wants to manage a personal blog, portfolio or an online shop. MyDigitalProductions.com’s cloud hosting packages include a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and also a academy domain name for just C$51.72. If you intend to set up a development environment or you do need extra resource allocations for your online presence, then you should select our VPS Servers In The US. Our Virtual Private Servers have a number of Control Panels and feature very efficient NVMe drives. In case you need a brand new location for a really popular site or perhaps a very CPU dependent application, you could go with each of our Dedicated Servers In The US. They feature reputable hardware parts and deliver a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.